What is the cost of the service?

The service is free to people with a disability.

How do I get an advocate?

Call the Ararat office on 1800 552 272 to check if you are eligible for the advocacy service, or email admin@grampiansadvocacy.org.au

Please allow a few days for someone to get back to you.

Who runs GdA?

GdA is run by a Board elected each year by our members at the annual general meeting. At least half of the Board is made up of people with a disability. Other Board members include people who work with people with disabilities and members of the general community who have a commitment to promoting the rights of people with disabilities.

How do I become a member?

Membership is free. To apply for membership contact the Ararat office on 1800 552 272, by email at admin@grampiansadvocacy.org.au or find the membership form here.

Get In Touch Anytime 

We understand that people cannot always contact us in business hours. If you would rather contact us after hours you can leave a message on our phone answering machine by phoning 1800 552 272, email us at admin@grampiansadvocacy.org.au or send us a private message via Facebook or Instagram. We will get back to you as soon as we can.